I have a lot of new Providers and really depend on the 1.0 MIPS's hard stop compliance tool that doesn't allow a Provider to finalize the note unless all MIPS measures are completed. We really need this in 2.0. I was able to finalize a MIPS 2.0 note without the measures completed.
Hello, and thanks for your feedback! This functionality exists today in the product, if a note is signed without completing a required field an alert should appear and prompt the user to complete the designated field. I've included a link to our help center that can help walk you through this functionality.] https://help.emr.webpt.com/article/1937-reporting-mips-measures-in-documentation-soap-2-0
If you are still able to bypass this functionality it would appear this is not functioning as intended. If this is the case, please submit additional information to our team at support@webpt.com so that we track and remedy this issue.
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It was allowing us to do this and therefore we had to stop using it and
return to 1.0. We do not intend to attempt 2.0 use again.