SOAP 2.0

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No changes to 1.0 notes once you switch to 2.0

It won't let us complete any addendums etc..... to any notes in 1.0 once we have switched to 2.0. Sometimes we need to addendum an old document for billing, and this would be helpful.

  • Guest
  • Jan 18 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 20, 2021 19:50

    Hi Rebecca that's what we tried to go back to SOAP 1.0. I have an example
    where we started an addendum (not finalized) and then hit save. Then tried
    to delete the addendum and it won't complete the task. Let me know if you
    want the patient ID to take a look.

    Thank you


  • Guest commented
    January 20, 2021 19:47

    Hi Rebecca that's what we tried to go back to SOAP 1.0. I have an example where we started an addendum (not finalized) and then hit save. Then tried to delete the addendum and it won't complete the task. Let me know if you want the patient ID to take a look.

  • Guest commented
    January 20, 2021 19:33

    The changes to do finalize. example

    We want to remove the addendum. The therapist goes to remove it and when
    you go back into the file it is still there.

    another example:

    cannot remove the note in 1.0

    Lisa Hunt

  • Guest commented
    January 20, 2021 18:02

    Hi Derek. You are still able to complete addendums on 1.0 notes. Click the dropdown that says Documentation and select "SOAP 1.0," and you will be navigated to the 1.0 notes with the option to complete addendums.
    Hope this helps!

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