SOAP 2.0

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Quick add for new patient add ons Address, Id Number and Case title

I LOVE the new quick intake form!! However, I cannot look up an insurance before someone comes in without their ID number. Then if I want to add something to their electronic chart, I can not save it, because I do not have their address. If at minimum the address and Ins ID# could be added it would be GREAT. A spot for case title is a bonus. It is so convient to not have to change tabs for each piece of info.

  • Guest
  • Mar 30 2021
  • Early Access
  • Mar 30, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! We have a feature that should be a solution for this idea, as we are planning to add these additional fields on the updated "quick add" form. That work is planned to be worked on very soon. We’ll associate this idea to the feature to make sure you know when it is delivered. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact support.

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    • Guest commented
      April 26, 2021 20:13

      Hi Jill - Thank you for reaching out to us. In regards to our updated Quick Add form, only the fields highlighted with the red asterisk (First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Home Phone Number, Primary Insurance, and Referring Physician) are required. These are the same requirements that have been carried over from our old form. The address fields are completely optional, however, there is some additional validation with the Address fields if you begin to type an address, for example if you type "1234 Main Street", you will then be required to input the City and State. If you do not have this information you may simply choose not to enter it and leave it blank. This will not stop you from creating a patient.

      I hope that helps. In addition, you may click HERE to review our Knowledge Base article which contains the specifics of the update in greater detail.

    • Guest commented
      April 26, 2021 17:13

      My question is with the new quick add feature is that the RED Astericks are the fields that are REQUIRED> However, the form is requiring ALL information. Is there an issue with the update? I LOVED the old quick add with basics and NOT ID #'s, addresses etc. I do not have that kind of time on the phone to get all that nformation. Please tell that this might be a glitch in the update that it is requiring ALL fields not just the RED astericked items.

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