For user Type there should be one for Massage Therapist.
Hi Tobey - thanks for your suggestion! Adding Massage Therapists as a User-type is not currently planned, but we may consider in the future. We’ll make sure to let you know if this feature is delivered.
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We have 3 massage therapist in our clinic! It's a little crazy that there hasn't been LMT's in the system as they are a part of our business and treat a lot of our workman's comp patients!
I cannot understand why WebPT has been dragging their heels for so many years. We have been doing massage therapy for 6 years, at least 4 of those with WebPT. MD offices have called to ask us why it says they are ATC's or other providers. Seems like it's also an ethical issue representing them incorrectly?
why is it taking so long to add this licensed service provider into the system?
Agreed, message therapist should be an option for users on WebPT. Any idea when that may happen?
I currently offer workers compensation manual therapy and as a massage therapist. I am currently the only one on our island that is qualified and able due to a good business relationship with our local hand therapy clinic (PT). If it wasnt for the owner's support and her assistant, this wouldnt be possible. Our next step is to get on WebPT. It would be a blessing for PT clinics, LMTs, and Medical Providers to get WEbPT to support this action of Massage Therapists being included on your software. It can literally change the dynamics of PT offices, providers, and patient care.
With more clinics having massage therapists, a massage therapist should be a provider option. Please make this happen.
This should definitely be a user profile! Many clinics have a Massage Therapist on their staff and it only makes sense to have a profile and a fee that is fair for that user. It would allow templates to be made specific to this as well and open up another revenue stream for WebPT without much on the backend design and development end. I am all for this option and so are my colleagues.
Any updates on this feature, it would make type my notes easier and faster for documentation.