We would like to customize what the text reminder says. Especially add to it "Please bring a mask, we are still wearing face covering at all locations."
Hello, and thanks for your feedback! This is a feature that we don’t currently have planned, but may consider in the future. We’ll make sure to let you know if this feature is delivered. In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using support@webpt.com.
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An option to edit the text message reminders would be great, or if it was added into the text to "please do not reply to this message" as we have a lot of no shows from people responding to the text canceling and we do not receive the message. Please strongly consider or help fix this issue, ASAP.
We need an option to add "do not reply" or some sort of communication clarifying that patients should not reply to the text message. We continue to have no-shows because patients believe they have already submitted their cancellation. When multiplied by our 16 clinics, this is having a major impact on productivity and financials. This is a basic best practice of text message communications from a business and needs to be implemented ASAP.
This was also offered by our prior vendor and may give us a reason to return to them. After all the setup involved with WebPT we'd prefer to keep everything in one place, but we need better options. We aren't even able to let people know they can't reply to these messaged, so they respond saying they want to cancel their appointment and we never know. It's incredibly frustrating.
This is an important feature that should be implemented - different clinics have different needs when it comes to appointment messaging. Some basic customizations should be possible.