SOAP 2.0

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Correct the next appointment on the side bar

The next appointment on the side bar is a good idea, but keeps showing the appointment that is currently happening, which doesn't help. To actually see, you have to leave the note to get to the appointments link. Either making the next appointment show the true next one or providing a way to open the appointments with the note still open would be good, ideally both.

  • Guest
  • Sep 23 2021
  • Nov 17, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your feedback! The functionality to view appointments within a note already exists today in the product, all you need to do is click on the dropdown menu found under "Records" and select "Appointments." This will open a new window with all of the patients upcoming appointments. I have included an inline image beflow for reference.

    We also appreciate the feedback on the upcoming appointment quick view and will look into correcting this in the future. I hope this helps for the time being.

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