Patients are responding to text messages because it does not state otherwise and upset due to our strict cancel policy that they have replied to the message but we never received it. When i sent a text it looked like the text back went through. I would not of known otherwise.
Hello, and thanks for your suggestion! Allowing text reminders to be more customizable and with a Do Not Reply message is something that we are considering for future development. We’ll make sure to let you know if this feature is delivered.
In the meantime, if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using
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This is still a HUGE problem with us. Patients think they are able to respond to text messages, miss appointments, and there is no way for us to know if they have sent a reply. This is a basic best practice of text message communication and it is unacceptable that it has not been implemented by WebPT. It is just one example of how your services are incomplete and create problems for our clinic staff, affecting our bottom line.
Having "Do Not Reply" messaging is a standard best practice in text message communications from businesses. There is no reason this should not be implemented immediately, as it is causing our clinics to lose money when patients think they have canceled and clinics aren't aware. It is disappointing that this was not included from the start.