This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit EMR-I-1482 Need gender option other than male/female requirement.
The value of solving this problem would be that WebPT would be some of the first EMR system to be inclusive to the LGBTQIA+ population. Adding inclusive language and options to EMR would allow for the patient to recive inclusive and accurate medical care. The simple additon of adding one box for gender identity and another box for sexual identify, as well as an option to enter pronouns into the patient's EMR demographic chart would be groundbreaking in the EMR world.
Hello, and thanks for your recommendation! We actually have a collection of work that we are planning to begin soon, that should be a solution for this idea.
We’ll associate this idea to the feature to make sure you know when it is delivered.
In the meantime, if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact support.
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Yes we too would like to see and addition of a gender identification or preference somewhere on the Patient information screen.
I would LOVE to see WebPT get with the program and have other gender and sexual id preferences. There are actually a number of EMR programs that DO already do this. For WebPT not to have addressed this issue already (I am sure it has come up before?) is disappointing.