SOAP 2.0

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Option to go to patient chart from schedule

When you click the patient’s name on the schedule and all of the options like edit, check-in, check-out, etc. appear, the option to go directly to the patient’s chart would be helpful. Now you have to search for the patient, click edit, then view chart.

Or if there was a chart section where you could view all of your charts that would be helpful.

  • Guest
  • Nov 21 2022
  • Future Consideration
  • Dec 1, 2022

    Admin response

    Hello and thanks for your feedback. We do have this functionality for desktop experience- if you hover over the appointment, you'll have a popup you can click that will take you directly to a patient chart. Unfortunately this would not currently work with a mobile device as you can't hover. This is something we will consider adding for the future to help with ease in accessing the patient chart and improving the mobile experience.

    In the meantime if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using

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