"Additional Info" from the patient's chart within SOAP 1.0 does not show up within the left column side of SOAP 2.0's patient chart (such as "Primary Insurance" and "Referring Physician"). Can we add this to 2.0?
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Currently this information shows up in the Alerts Bade. That is great so we can see the info in 2.0, but the issue that could potentially occur with this is that it makes the Alerts Badge less likely to be tracked since something may always be in there. The better option for additional info would be to add to the left side panel instead as suggested in the original suggestion.
It now shows limited information. The view from SOAP 1.0 would show up to 3 referring Physicians in the Patient Information section in the upper-right above finalized SOAP 1.0 documentation. I need to see all of the referring physicians from the SOAP 2.0 view without exiting the SOAP 2.0 chart, going back to the SOAP 1.0 view. It appears that the secondary and tertiary referring physicians also do not appear in Analytics Reports.
when we were in a note before, or doing billing things, or the front office was tracking auth, we could see this section and it gave us really good info, i.e. as PTs we could see if they had already signed DN consent or no, we could easily see if patient preferred communication via phone call or text from front office, we could see additional insurance information, etc. We all used this a lot. Now it is several clicks to get here and very time consuming. And we have to open another tab or go out of note entirely.