SOAP 2.0

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Need to see in 2.0 if we have signed MD cert

It was great in 1.0 to see if we got the MD signature back with the little hand icon next to the fax. We get MD signatures regardless of insurance. In 2.0, my staff needs to go back to 1.0, go to eDocs, scan eDocs to see if there's a signed note, and make sure it's associated with the correct report. in 1.0, it was a fantastic quick glance and I knew we were covered. This is cumbersome.

  • Guest
  • Jun 17 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 30, 2020 23:24

    Hello! If there is not a signed plan of care/certification on file for a case, there will be a patient alert displayed at the top of the patient chart. Here is some more information on this. Hopefully this addresses your concerns, please let me know if you have additional thoughts or feedback. Thanks!

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