SOAP 2.0

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Patient Self-Scheduling Integration

Providing patients the option to schedule follow-up visits where and when is most convenient for them would help to decrease cancelation and no show rates. It would be great if WebPT offered an integration with self-scheduler software to auto-populate appointments on the therapists' schedule. It would also assist in rescheduling their appointments and helping with clinic flow when busy. This will help to fill openings in the schedule by allowing waitlist patients to easily access openings on the current day's schedule.

  • Guest
  • Sep 16 2021
  • Future Consideration
  • Sep 19, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello, and thanks for your suggestion! Patient self-scheduling is a feature that is not on our immediate roadmap, but we hope to prioritize it for the future. We’ll make sure to let you know if this feature is delivered.

    In the meantime, if you have any further questions feel free to leave a comment or contact WebPT Support using

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